Genius News

Entrepreneurs Institute

The nominees and winner for the Genius Metaversity Shine Awards in Q2 have been announced. These awards are specifically designed to recognise our partners, community and customers within the Genius Metaversity.

Congratulations to our nominees for Q2 who are:

- Sue Jackson, Revolutionary Business Coach

- Katrina Khong, Co-Founder / COO at SuperX Academy & Presidential Director at Nu Skin

- Dr. Maharaja Siva Subramanian, City Host in Chennai, Blogger, Coach, Consultant, Speaker, Trainer, Investor & Mentor

And the winner is Dr. Maharaja Siva Subramanian. Dr Maharaja launched a 365 day affiliate challenge & sold his first Flow Consultant in June!

Education Angels

Education Angel’s Angel of the month is Bobbi-Lee Parata. Bobbie-Lee started with Education Angels a couple of months ago moving from another provider. She is doing well learning and following the procedures and is conscientious ensuring she does everything correctly, but asking for support when required.

Bobbi supports a large number of children (currently 12), catering for all families requirements. She is flexible and accommodating for families and has flexibility within her numbers offering extra space to others if a child is away.

Bobbi has an amazing child directed learning environment with resources and setup like a miniature centre. She is in a small community and has a good relationship with the local Kindergarten and local library.

Bobbie recently received EA's Star of the month award for Excellence for remaining professional in a challenging situation and focusing on the wellbeing of the child and the family.

Entrepreneur Resorts


We recently had a visit from Mrs South Africa at our Tau Game Lodge in South Africa. Travelling with her family, they went out on a number of Safari trips and came across amongst other animals, an amazing lion sighting. The Lioness was roaring next to the vehicle – the Game Viewer.  This experience brought Mrs South Africa to “tears of joy” saying she had never experienced anything like that before.

Silas, one of our Game Rangers, took Mrs South Africa out on Safari - he is very popular with our guests and often has guests asking for him on their return.  Indeed our whole team of Game Rangers has been receiving incredible feedback from visitors. 

If you’d like to find out more about Tau and our Game Rangers, please see here.


The next Genius Metaversity Masterclass is taking place on Tuesday 8th August starting at 9am London time and 4pm Singapore time.

Rich Schefren, known as the "Guru to the Gurus" and owner of Strategic Profits, is joining Roger for this masterclass which will help participants master AI-driven leadership. The event will cover:

- effective team management strategies powered by AI

- insights into the role of AI in enhancing leadership skills

- real-life success stories from industry speakers

- exploring AI tools for improved team performance and productivity, and

- practical tips for integrating AI into your leadership approach.

You can find out more and register here


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