Last week Roger hosted the Global AI Entrepreneur Summit. In the 2-day event, Roger covered the Top 10 Trends that he has been seeing and Genius Group has indeed been surfing this year. He also interviewed a number of fantastic guest speakers including some of our own partners.

A lot was covered in the two days - here’s a brief overview of Day 1.  You can watch the replay of Day 1 and grab a copy of the slides, booklets and templates here too. Do take the time to watch it if you missed the live event – even if you break it down into 30 mins to 1 hour a day. 

Trend One – World in Chaos

How do we decide on our own pathway when we have so few compass points that can point us to true north? What is the way you can generate income and impact at the same time? The entrepreneurs that are doing the best at the moment are the ones who are purpose driven as well as being profit driven. Customers and investors are attracted to companies who want to make a positive difference in the world. The key is building trust – we need to build trust with our customers, our team, our investors, our communities, etc.

Trend Two – The Talent Gap

There’s a huge gap between companies who need talent and support to help them grow and those who can’t find a job (or a meaningful job) right now. It’s essential that companies upskill their team members and entrepreneurs upskill themselves. Roger shared the Genius test and how knowing your profile can help you discover your genius and discover who you need on your team to support your business growth and build weath. We build trust as we play to our strengths and genius.

Trend Three – The Age of AI

The acceleration of AI this year has been phenomenal and it looks increasingly likely, according to the world's leading AI experts, that Singularity will happen by 2029.

According to inventor and futurist Ray Kurzweil, Singularity is that point in time when all advances in technology, particularly in artificial intelligence, will lead to machines being smarter than human beings. Kurzweil famously predicted in his book The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology in 2005 that this would take place by 2045. However, he also predicted that AI will pass a valid Turing test (imitation game) and therefore achieve human levels of intelligence by 2029.

So what does this mean for us? We have the choice of using AI for good or harm - it's up to humans to use AI wisely in ways that benefit us and the world.

The impact of AI companies on the US S&P 500 has also been significant with the top 20 stocks contributing to nearly 94% of the index’s return so far this year. All of those top 20 companies are AI-related companies, including the likes of NVIDIA, Tesla and Meta.

Trend Four – Superhuman Intelligence

Roger shared how GeniusU is using AI with its own Genie AI to support members and unleash the power of their Superhuman Intelligence which is the combination of Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence. He also shared the Genius Journey and the various tests that people can take to discover their Genius profile, passions, purpose and impact.

Trend Five – Learning Networks

Currently the education system tells us that we need to ‘know so we can do’ – that is read the text book then do the exam. However, as Roger says, entrepreneurs need to ‘do so they can know’, that is to keep practicing until you improve. We have gone through a decade of social networks that allow us to leverage conversation and for content to go viral. The next step from this is learning networks – people are joining communities and engaging in collective and accelerated learning. Roger shared the plans for Genius Metaversity 2.0 and how Vatom and GeniusX, both experts in the world of VR and AI, are partnering with us to help us build it.



Roger was joined by Lourdes Gant, co-owner of Manatee Holdings and an expert in the Aquaculture community, Bea Benkova, Founder of Global Institution for Evolutionary Women (GIFEW) and Simon Zutshi, Founder of pin, for the Changemaker Forum where they shared their own Hero’s Journey with the support of GeniusU and Crystal Circle mentoring.


Roger also interviewed Peter Diamandis, one of the best futurists in the world and asked him about his thoughts about where things are going and what you need to do about it. A conversation not to be missed...

You can watch the replay of Day 1 and grab a copy of the slides, booklets and templates here too.

Look out for our next blog post sharing the highlights of Day 2 and the next 5 Trends...

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