Learn From The GeniusU Community

It’s launch day! Here’s your link

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It’s here! For the last 2 months we’ve been building up to today – Our World Tour Launch Day. This is the biggest launch in our history: Join our entire[...]


It’s never too late to succeed

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John Pemberton invented Coca-Cola when he was 55 years old. Ray Kroc bought McDonald’s when he was 59 years old. Colonel Sanders began franchising KFC at 62 years old. Tim[...]


Are you an inverse paranoid?

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Are you an inverse paranoid? This time last year I interviewed Jack Canfield as part of our collaboration on the Genius Guide to Success. Of the different success principles Jack[...]


Are you getting older or newer?

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Are you getting older or newer? The answer lies in the Upgrade Paradox: Version 2 is always both older and newer than Version 1. In past times, before regular upgrades,[...]


The difference between mindful vs mindless failure

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My 8 favourite famous failures. Thomas Edison was told by his teachers that he was “too stupid to learn anything.” Oprah Winfrey was fired from her first job as a[...]


What’s in store for 2016?

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What’s in store for 2016? It’s the Chinese Year of the Monkey! I was born in 1968 so I’m a Monkey, along with Elizabeth Taylor, Will Smith, Tom Hanks, Mick[...]

3 best steps for the new year

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Happy New Year! I hope you had a fantastic end to the year, and are looking forward to a big year ahead. On behalf of all of us at Entrepreneurs[...]


Startup 101: Start faster and get going smarter

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Startup 101: You just need 1) a great idea, 2) money, 3) marketing, right? Just ask Brian Chesky, Billionaire CEO & Co-founder of AirBnB, who will tell you… err… the[...]

What’s the best way to think differently in 2016?

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What’s the best way to think differently in 2016? This inspiring video on “moonshot thinking” featuring Astro Teller (Captain of Moonshots) and theGoogle X team says it best. “Never doubt[...]


Be the change to see the change

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This is a photo of a young buddhist monk being evacuated from the Himalayas in May 2015. It’s easy to forget the earthquake and humanitarian outpouring that happened in Nepal[...]