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How EdTech can solve the inequality issue in British Educ...

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

Thank you Startups Magazine for featuring this article — 
"How EdTech can solve the inequality issue in British Education"

The UK’s education...

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10 Successful Tactics to Note Down Before Starting a Busi...

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

Starting and running a business is not a small decision. Unfortunately, from understanding your industry systems to monitoring your competitors, everything involved in a business is understated.

A little bit of planning and a sense of...

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Entrepreneurship: 7 Tips to Pave Way to a Thriving Business

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

Starting a business can be exhilarating yet challenging. Because consumers now expect high-standard products and services, the market has become more competitive and demanding. This factor makes it significantly important for businesses to...

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Business and Entrepreneurship: Six insights to Intensify ...

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

Having the insight and ability to build on and refine our skills constantly is a valuable tool for any occupation, project, or endeavour. The same is true for entrepreneurs who are trying to build their businesses and accomplish certain...

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Is ChatGPT3 a threat to educator?

Img 20221119 wa0048 Gracia Tshama

If you have been reading the news,  You have probably come across Chat GPT3. an AI model that interacts with humans via text message. here is  a response I received from asking the ai model about its benefits to educators

"One of...

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Global Entrepreneur Summit Key Note Speaker - Key takeawa...

Ruth Shearman

From generating revenue from the get-go, to how AI is going to be a player in every industry, Peter H Diamandis explores the trends that every business should be getting to grips with. Speaking at Day 1 of the Global Entrepreneur Summit, hosted by...
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Will you do it right this time?

3 Susan Ritter

The National Payroll Institute has projected that there will be a $40B cost to businesses, in lost productivity, due to employee worry over their finances.

Is this a surprise?
Probably not.

We're back to work and...
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is AI a threat to education?

Img 20221119 wa0048 Gracia Tshama

If you have been reading the news,  You have probably come across Chat GPT3. an AI model that interacts with humans via text message. here is  a response I received from asking the ai model about its benefits to educators

"One of...

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Free Live Crypto Masterclass on How to build a fortune th...

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

The cryptocurrency world is changing rapidly and many people are still wondering how to invest. Join us live on 15th Nov (10 AM UK ) to discover how to build your fortune through cryptocurrencies in just 20 minutes! 👉

Crisis Investing: Less Cash, More Cash Flow

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

Here's Brian Jung's top tips on investing in crisis times. In a time where all assets are rapidly changing in value - from crypto, shares and commodities through to property, gold and money itself, the key mantra is 'Cash Is Trash, Cash Flow Is...