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New Year, New Skills - 2023 is the perfect time to start...

Ruth Shearman

As we say goodbye to 2022 and look ahead to 2023, now is the perfect time to take stock and really explore what it is that you want to accomplish going forward. With Genius Group, there are so many opportunities to find your genius, from taking...
Desktop   are you fearful or optimistic for the world we are creating and why   share your thoughts in the thread below and help us contribute to providing money management training to migrant families around the 1

In This Time of Rebirth

3 Susan Ritter

Rebirth by Alex Elle there will be moments when you will bloom fully and then wilt, only to bloom again. If we can learn anything from flowers it is that resilience is born even when we feel...
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Wealth Dynamics Masters Virtua With Roger Hamilton and a ...

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

Prepare your business for the next 12 months and the start of the digital decade with a plan to at least double your growth. Register now for our exclusive Wealth Dynamics Masters Program happening from 13th - 17th February...

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Understanding The Importance Of Standards

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

In order to reach higher levels of success, you must raise your Standards!

Success doesn't come from big goals as much as from high standards. Goals are what we reach for, and standards are what we settle...

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What Are Values And Why They Are Important ?

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

Are Your Values Aligned with your Business? 🤔

As an entrepreneur, your...

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5 Amazing Benefits of Joining Photography Classes

shyam prasad

Photography is an art in itself and some people are very fond of photography. For some it is just a hobby, for some, it is a career option. If you want to pursue a professional career in photography, it is advisable to join photography classes...

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Six Top Reasons to Opt for Entrepreneurship Training

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

The business world has gone through drastic changes over the years, with advancements and changes happening around us by the minute. New start-up organizations are popping up everywhere, which caters to various needs and requirements of the...

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5 Trending Entrepreneur Training Courses suitable for Pos...

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

Starting one’s own company is seldom easy. It is still highly sought after mainly because of the autonomy and the profit potential it offers. For those willing to hop onto the entrepreneurship wagon, it comes with its own set of unique...

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What is An Entrepreneurship Course? Know All About It Here!

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

Entrepreneurship is all about having an idea and transforming a vision into a reality to generate revenue. 

How can you assess whether your idea is practical enough or not? Do you have the traits of an entrepreneur? Fortunately, we...

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Environmentally friendly constructor from WoodTrick

190x190cc Vlad Samonin


As our planet becomes more and more polluted, we must do our part to reduce our impact on the environment. One way to do this is by choosing eco-friendly toys for our children. These toys are made with sustainable materials and...