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Entrepreneurs Institute

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PIRATE METRICS FOR ENTREPRENEURS If you’re trying to figure out what to measure in your business, use the Pirate Metrics: “AARRR!” Whether you have a website, an app, a retail store or a service...
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Magnetic Minds

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

Finding it hard to define your organisations purpose and vision? Magnetic Minds can help. Connect with us at north@magneticminds.co.za #Entrepreneur #Business #MagneticMinds
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Genius U

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

5 Ways To Maintain A Positive Mindset (No Matter What Challenge You're Facing) When it comes to building something of value -- whether that's a business, a joint venture, a brand, or even yourself...
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Entrepreneurs Institute

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

Less than 24 hours to go for the #GES2018 in Johannesburg! Join us at the African Global Entrepreneur Summit on 1-2 December and be in good company, with the most extraordinary, dynamic group of...
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Great British Beach Clean attracts record number of volun...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Charity warns against complacency as levels of plastic remain ‘shocking’
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New Marine Sciences school subject to be piloted in 2019

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Three schools have been selected as “Marine Sciences Node Schools” to pilot the new Marine Sciences subject for Grade 10 learners.
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Entrepreneurs Institute

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

Do you want to identify opportunities that can be developed into successful businesses? Come and join us at the African Entrepreneur Summit on 1-2 Dec with our influential speaker Mr. Joshua...
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The key to Hadoop and Shared Preference.

sneha R

As the new technology enters the market there will be a great demand for the people who are good at that particular technology. This scenario is very common in emerging technology and the techies with good understanding will have a scope to...

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Why is this octopus trying to eat an inflated pufferfish?

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

A strange encounter between a pufferfish and an octopus has scientists wondering if the mighty octopus has finally met its match.
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The guideline for data handling

sneha R

In the recent evolution of technology, there had been many advancements in the technical aspects. We have witnessed many technological improvements which have been very popular that’s has overcome the drawback of the previous innovation....