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The guideline for data handling

sneha R

In the recent evolution of technology, there had been many advancements in the technical aspects. We have witnessed many technological improvements which have been very popular that’s has overcome the drawback of the previous innovation....

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The Passion Test

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British author, journalist, literary critic and travel writer Rebecca West defines the role of "Passion" in one's life. And we agree! #ThoughtfulThursdays
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Snow crabs invading Russia's Arctic nuclear waste dump

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Researchers find a huge influx of snow crabs in areas with dumped radioactive waste in the Kara Sea, in Arctic Russia. The Soviet Union during the 1960s and 70s dumped several hundred containers with solid radioactive waste in the Blagopoluchie...
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The Purpose Test

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COUNTING WHO IS LEFT BEHIND: How far is your country on SDG progress meter? Duration: 2 min read. The Global Goals for Sustainable Developments are intentionally inspirational; promises made by...
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The Millionaire Master Plan

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“The biggest risk is not taking any risk. In a world that’s changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks.” – Mark Zuckerberg. Mark practices what he...
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Global Entrepreneur Summit

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Get to know the Top 10 Trends that will impact your business in 2019 and how you can take advantage of these opportunities at the African Entrepreneur Summit. Join us on 1-2 Dec and be in good...
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Talent Dynamics

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The strength of the team lies in its members. The strength of the member lies in the team.
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Splitter Tools Trending In Market These Days Which Are Re...

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There are huge amounts of approaches to get a rusted, stuck, or stuck nut or fastener out of a household item or another question, yet few techniques each more ruinous in this extraordinary once-over. Our most loved however, is the nut...

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The most effective method to Play Omaha Gambling club - A...

Picture?height=120&width=120 Mirza Seo

Omaha clubhouse, similar to every single other race of gambling club recreations, is a network card diversion that includes ability and possibility. Great shot of discovering prey and abilities to figure alternate players...

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Entrepreneurs Institute

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Do you aspire to increase productivity in your current business? Join us at the San Diego Entrepreneur Fast Track 2019 on Thursday, 17th Jan 2019. Learn the smartest and effective strategies to...