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Narwhal adopted by belugas | EarthSky.org

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Scientists are trying to solve the mystery of why a narwhal was adopted by a group of beluga whales in Canada's St. Lawrence River.
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Vector Blog: Pearls of Leadership

I love jewelry.

The other day, as I was in my jewelry box considering what piece to wear, I came across my mother’s pearls.  

These are a beautiful traditional strand of pearls.  I sat with them, lovingly touching each of...

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How To Improve The Quality Of Your Services Or Products F...

Picture?height=120&width=120 Aisha Adele

If you’re looking to improve the quality of your products or your business or company itself, then here are a few of our tips and suggestions for you.

Use Mystery Shoppers To Get Unbiased Reviews Of Your...
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Attacking Alzheimer’s: Medicinal marine microbes

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Alzheimer’s disease is a serious brain condition that affects many elderly people. It is important to find new ways to treat and cure the disease. The ocean, particularly extreme environments…
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Caribbean swamped by seaweed that smells like rotten eggs

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

From Belize to Barbados, tourist beaches have been swamped by huge tides of foul-smelling sargassum – and climate change could make the problem worse
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Tina enneagram course Tina Jonasen

Are you a Female Entrepreneur - and in need of mentoring?

Send me a few words about yourself, where you are going - and about why you should join our draw for a FREE 3 month mentorship!


For some reason, our...

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Fish and chips under threat from plastic-clogged seas, UK...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

To highlight the risk, charity served hungry customers battered deep-fried fish-shaped plastic
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Community Meditation: Sending Rain to California

Susmita 5 Susmita Barua

I spoke to my daughter in San Jose, CA yesterday. Her elementary school was closed early until thanksgiving because of thick and unhealthy smoke. They cannot run air-condition at school, home or car due to bad air. Visibility was 50 ft. She...

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World Game Weekly News

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Dear All,

Its day 160 of 180 and today we are now at 4,150 giving impacts! 

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The Millionaire Master Plan

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We bring you Whacky Stories of Multi-Millionaires to inspire your masterplan. The business world might appear buttoned-down from the outside - but in reality, it's a lot more interesting than you...