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Wondering how to write a privacy policy for your small biz?

Me update Diane Wilkins

Personal data, security, and GDPR have a lot of small business owners wondering 'how do I write a privacy policy?' Here's some guidance to get you started!
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Expanding Our Reach Through Global Partnerships – Aunua A...

Profile pic Karina Murray

In line with this strategy, Aunua Academy have partnered with other global education providers, such as Belouga, Genius School, and The World Health Innovation Summit.
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Rob Dial

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

Rob Dial, Austin, Texas. 1,000,555 likes · 750,979 talking about this. I travel the world, make videos, and run iTunes #1 motivational podcast --> listen here http://apple.co/1ES21jU
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'Tipping points' could exacerbate climate crisis, scienti...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

IPCC report ‘underestimates potential of these key dangers to send Earth into spiral of runaway climate change’
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Stacey Dooley Investigates: Are your clothes wrecking the...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

'I feel like we understand what plastic does to the Earth but I had no idea what cotton was capable of'
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Tina enneagram course Tina Jonasen

Denmark is a VERY small country - yet hold the top position on many levels as the BEST (and most expensive !?) country in the world - because of our Queen, "Hygge" / Happiness, Carlsberg, Pastry, Butter, Entrepreneurship etc....

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New global agreement results in fishing ban in the Arctic...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

A new landmark global agreement has resulted in a fishing ban in the Arctic Ocean.
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Washing laundry in cold water is the same as ...

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

A full 90 percent of the energy used in washing clothes goes toward heating the water.
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World Game Weekly News

Picture?height=170&width=170&access token=200028500157213|71a3b3f8c0965ac64ef772b5f9d0c02f michelle clarke

Hi All ,

Its day 121 of 180 and today we are at 582,234 giving impacts and we are currently in round 4 of the game! Round 4 closes at midnight Hawaii time on the 9th October, this week!

It is now just 10 weeks...

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Jordan Peterson: The Lie Behind Getting A ''Career''

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

Dr. Jordan B Peterson was raised as a Christian conservative, and began questioning religion in his early teens. He criticizes the New Atheists (specifically...