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Drowning in Plastic - BBC One

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Wildlife biologist Liz Bonnin discovers the true dangers of plastic in our oceans.
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7 Laws of Real Estate Investing with Scott Picken

Me update Diane Wilkins

Whether direct investing, crowdfunding, REITs or Collaborative SMART Investing, the 7 fundamentals laws of real estate investing remain the same:

Law One – Understand the Fundamentals & Invest in...

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Why are humans killing 100 million sharks every year?

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Increasing consumption of shark fin soup and illegal fishing may lead to extinction of certain species, experts warn.
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Welcome to the Life Below Water Circle

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

A very warm welcome Delynn Ervin and Khauhelo Madisa to the Life Below Water Circle.

Please do introduce yourself and join in the discussions.

If there are any topics you would like to see in the circle, just...

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11 Remarkably Cool Squids

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Sometimes, evolution has a field day. Invertebrates don’t come much wilder than squids, yet most people have only ever heard of the “giant” variety. So strap on a scuba tank, and let’s take a look at eleven equally-amazing cephalopods you might...
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20 Podcasts That Inspire Creativity (Including FREE Audio...

Fred headshot maxres main Fred Ferrante

Creativity generally is believed to ebb and flow depending on various factors. Being creative is highly subjective, and different people are creative in different ways. Still, there are some habits people can indulge in to foster daily creativity....
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Pollution-busting bus hits the roads to clean up urban ai...

Fred headshot maxres main Fred Ferrante

A UK public transport operator has unveiled the UK’s first air-filtering bus, which its inventors say makes the air around it cleaner as it travels
Desktop the importance of rebooting the brain for success in business and life

Reboot Your Brain: Top 5 Psychology Habits & Tricks for S...

Fred headshot maxres main Fred Ferrante

Quick Google searches, scans of online content, tweets and texts: The technology that gives us easy access to information can also damage our ability to think. Studies show we are losing our ability to (1) concentrate on lengthy tasks, (2) focus...
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Recognition: The 6 Leadership Styles & Benefits of Being ...

Fred headshot maxres main Fred Ferrante

How do you incentivize people to do a good job? How do you keep them motivated? It would be nice if incentivization were simple, but it’s not. What motivates people is one of the biggest questions of leadership. There are no straightforward...
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Richard Branson Top 12 Tips for Entrepreneurs

Me update Diane Wilkins

Tip #1 - Listen more than you talk. Nobody learned anything by hearing themselves speak. 

Tip #2 - Three steps to success: Hire great talent, give them the tools to succeed, and get out of the way. 

Tip #3 -...