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Pricing 101 - How To Price Yourself As A Freelancer

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

Freelancer pricing explained: should you charge hourly or by project? Should you charge large corporations more? And how much exactly? Jake Jorgovan has answ...
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Valor y Apalancamiento – Coach Gabriel Uribe

Ram 0891 Gabriel Rodríguez

Cuando estoy explicando a un cliente los resultados de su perfil de menor resistencia Wealth o Talent Dynamics una de las partes que explico es la ecuación de la Riqueza. Primero comienzo por explicar el concepto de Riqueza, que es todo con lo...
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¿Sabes lo que te da Riqueza? – Coach Gabriel Uribe

Ram 0891 Gabriel Rodríguez

Encontré una reflexión sobre la Riqueza que escribió premio nobel Gabriel García Márquez:
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Islanders in Kenya build recycled plastic boat to highlig...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Its launch coincides with international World Cleanup Day
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Tagging and tracking the Tour de Turtles

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Last year, a loggerhead named Eliza Ann took the crown. This year, Lucaya, the speedy leatherback, has pulled ahead to take an early lead. Every summer, a handful of sea turtles take to the water to compete in the Sea Turtle Conservancy’s, Tour de...
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Tina enneagram course Tina Jonasen

REMEMBER to check your own profile once in a while.

Is your profile pic reflecting who you are today?

- is it more than 10 years old?

- is it showing (only) your face, so that people can recognize you from...

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Video shows plastic entering food chain

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

A video captures the moment plankton ingest a plastic microfibre.
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Tina enneagram course Tina Jonasen


United Nations set 17 purpose streams, from ending poverty, to greater equality, to protecting the planet!?

When you take the purpose test, you discover which of the 17...

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Economic Man vs Humanity: a Puppet Rap Battle

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

Three students challenge outdated economics by debating with their professor about the nature of humankind, with rap and puppetry. This animated film is a co...
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Embrace the Journey: The 5 Stages of Corporate Sustainabi...

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

MIT lecturer Otto Scharmer breaks the corporate sustainability journey into five stages. Where does your company fit in?