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Documentary reveal ‘crazy’ extent of marine pollution

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

A hard-hitting docum­entary will reveal the horrifying extent of marine plastic pollution around the world and the havoc it is wreaking on nature and the planet.
Desktop global goals climate change

World Game Weekly News

Picture?height=170&width=170&access token=200028500157213|71a3b3f8c0965ac64ef772b5f9d0c02f michelle clarke

Dear All,

Its day 107 of 180 and we have gone over the half a million mark of giving impacts!! Yay!  Today we are at 528,394.

We are now in round 4 of the game!

Congratulations to...

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Your Entrepreneurial Insight for 24th - 30th September 2018

Your Weekly Entrepreneurial Insight - Monday 24th - 30th September 2018

In your Market Connections, what Vector can support your thinking for success?

Market Connections are your connections and partnerships...

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What 13,000 Patents Involving the DNA of Sea Life Tell Us...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Whether a single private entity should be able to set the direction of how the genes of so many living things are used was a piece of a broader debate at the United Nations this month.
Desktop thinkinnewareas


Tina enneagram course Tina Jonasen

I er alle mere end velkomne til også at deltage på Facebook-gruppen

Iværksættere / StartUps i Danmark

- ren NON-...

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Me update Diane Wilkins

A song I frequently play is 'I Give Myself Permission' by Karen Drucker.

What this means for me is that to show up and give the best that I have to give, IS ENOUGH. Needing to 'do it better' used to keep me stuck in a loop of...

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Co-op is going to replace all of its single-use plastic bags

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

'Food wrapped in plastic has become too much to swallow', says supermarket chief
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The undersea and the ecstasy: MDMA leaves octopuses loved up

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Normally antisocial sea creature becomes friendly and tactile after being given the drug, scientists say
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Creating A Company On GeniusU

Me update Diane Wilkins

Are you aware that you can now create a company profile?

Simply click on this link: https://www.geniusu.com/companies or on the 'Explore' down arrow and select...

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Synchronicity - Embryonic Moments

Me update Diane Wilkins

I love this concept. 

The first step is to be aware of what shows up in your life, however that is only the beginning... 

If this is viewed as an 'Embryonic Moment' the next step may be to see WHY this is...