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“I counted everything. I counted the steps to the road, the steps up to church, the number of dishes and silverware I washed … anything that could be counted, I did.” said Katherine Johnson who was paid homage at the

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‘Beautiful’ Budleigh pictures showcase East Devon’s diver...

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Steve Pease says the practice of underwater photography opens up a ‘new world’.
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Water, Cells, and Life | Dr. Gerald Pollack | TEDxNewYork...

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What does water actually do in the formula for life? Water scientist and biomedical engineer Gerald Pollack shares new information and ideas about simple thi...
Desktop 5 personality traits that successful entrepreneurs value more than all others

5 Personality Traits that Successful Entrepreneurs Value ...

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It might be hard to tell on the surface, but underneath, successful entrepreneurs share many...

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Nearly 50 marine species in Irish waters face extinction

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Irish Wildlife Trust calls for full legal protection for threatened sealife
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The Millionaire Master Plan: Your Personalized Path to Fi...

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The Millionaire Master Plan test determines where you are in the financial spectrum: Which of the four natural geniuses you have and which of the nine levels of wealth you are currently on. 

The MMP book provides key insights...

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Know Your Genius

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Learn how to radically transform your time and your team by organizing yourself around what you are best at.

Our Genius test will tell you what your natural talents are and what type of work naturally suits you most. It can...

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Microplastics threat to ocean giants

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Scientists call for monitoring of plastic pollution risks to whales, sharks and rays that strain water to feed.
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The Power of Water

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Actor Matt_Damon has been working on improving access to clean water for many years. In 2006, he co-founded the H20 Africa Foundation, which later merged with...

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Your Weekly Business Focus: 5th - 11th Feb 2018

Your Weekly Business focus:

5th - 11th February 2018

This is my birthday week ! 

Yes, an Aquarian Star commited to bringing in some new thinking for all of us through the cards.

So let us...