
Open uri20210425 13 1a0z5oj?1619383416
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Wiązowna, Poland (near Warsaw)
In FlowPartners I help Yellow Level Entrepreneurs cut by half time spent managing people while making Clients more happy than ever.
Top Purpose: 10 Quality Education

With our help sucessful enterpreneurs cut by half time spent managing people while making Clients more happy than ever.
Lets for while assume You are such an Entrepreneur
You hired the best staff, costs are high so you have to use the full potential of your people. Everyone has a different personality and Genius. You have to explain, make decisions and sometimes even solve conflicts between different personalities with different ways of thinking.
More You do, the more often they come. You don't have time for Clients. Your team is constantly waiting for your decisions so client projects are late.
You work weekends late at night thinking why I even hired them. You are exhausted, tired of this lifestyle and can't see a solution .
Together we will break this vicious cycle and reclaim your time so You can spend it with family or taking care about your health, well being and even business.
If You by chance know someone who desperately needs help, please drop me a note.


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  • Andrzej Chwalczuk

    Andrzej Chwalczuk

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