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Karin Wasle Energy Mentoring
Upgrade your Energy and Mindset to your next level
Top Purpose: 10 Quality Education

Human Complexity - Simple Pathways

BE-ing who we were meant to be originally,

and offering this being to our world's positive growth,

allowing our individual vibrations be harmonic sounds

in the Symphony of Life on Earth.

We help sensitive entrepreneurs who struggle to lead their business to success, to get clear on their blind spots and dissonances, releasing the most pertinent shadows of the past, and fully embrace their individual strengths, genius and voice.

Karin Wasle Energy Mentoring has facilitated clients of all age to Emotional Wellbeing, Trauma Release and Life Balance over 15 yrs. Be it babies who need to find their sleep rhythm, mothers to find the connection to their heart and their kids, children with their need to navigate life without losing their joy, teenagers who search their way between judgment and freedom, or adults who have accumulated all of these pains, the connection to who they really are inside is key.

We have created a structured pathway for sensitive women's souls to express, clearing trauma, emotional blocks and mental dead-ends on the way, and teaching them to handle subtle energies. With the help of Stress Point Indicators, clients connect the biochemistry of their bodies with what is happening in their minds and release blocks through simple tools. We aslo utilize the global personal growth tools of Human Design and Wealth Dynamics to help women identify their strengths and their conditioning points.

The pathway leads to a complete upgrade of their inner operating systems, so they can rise into their full power to meet the new challenges of leadership they choose, for their own growth and for the meaningful contribution of their own sound to the Symphony of Life.

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  • Karin Wasle

    Karin Wasle

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