
PERPETUITY KID is a start up enterprise but it is a part of the infinite game of education. Perpetuity literally means forever. We use it as an inclusive and equitable frame, and the commitment that this is forever-y child, forever-y family, forever-y community, for-ever-yone. The raisiing of children with purpose, passion and intention has been a part of humanity since the first child. And yet somehow in moving this work into schools, the self-worthy heart and the inspired genius has been largely excluded and ignored. Almost all children leave their schooling without clearly knowing the basics - Who am I? Why am i here? What will I do?
PERPETUITY KID responses to the hero's call with a hero's call to every child. We know that it is the very heart and genius in every child that allows all growth and learning to be lived into fully. And it is the ground at their feet that holds so much of the heroic answer. We will support every child to explore, understand, and learn to care for themselves and the place on the planet that they call home. PERPETUITY KID is a pathway that requires a map and compass and a guide. PERPETUITY KID is an inward journey of depth and an outward journey of breadth. We will be there every step of the way and then step out of the way as you carry onward.
And the World cannot be discovered by a journey of miles,
no matter how long, but only by a spriritual journey,
a journey of one inch, very arduous, humbling, and joyful,
whereby we arrive at the ground at our feet
and learn to be at home.
- Wendell Berry