
Open uri20230329 51 l4a1a3?1680105544
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Lets Connect on GeniusU
Cape Town, South Africa
Company Type: E Learning
First place of call when joining the Genius U family. We show you how to navigate your way through the portal and get the most out of this online learning platform and community.

Welcome to our community of entrepreneurs who are dedicated to unlocking their inner genius and finding their flow! We're here to connect you with like-minded people, offer support, and help you tap into your superpower.

Our group is all about mindfulness and growth, and we're here to walk you through the process step by step. Whether you're just starting out or you're a seasoned entrepreneur, our community is designed to help you find your inner genie and take your business to the next level. Join us today and start connecting with a community of people who are committed to growth and personal transformation!

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  • Open uri20230329 51 l4a1a3?1680105549

    Lets Connect on GeniusU


  • Lenny van den Berg

    Lenny van den Berg

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