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Company Type: Education
International Property Networking
Top Purpose:

International Property Networking Meetings around the Global 

pin - Property Investors Network the largest UK network is expanding Internationally.  

As well as learning from other people that attend our meetings you can also keep up-to-date with the property market – you can meet property contacts. Maybe it’s builders, maybe it’s plumbers, maybe it’s architects, accountants, people who are in property who understand what you’re trying to achieve. They will help you get there quicker than if you’re trying to do it on your own.

You also get the opportunity at property networking events to learn from and listen to some of the best experts in the UK to help overseas investors, invest in UK property.  These experts will speak at our events and share with you their success, their failures, so you can really accelerate your journey and minimise the mistakes you make with property investing.

The other thing is by just meeting other people just like you, who are successful investing in the local area, this builds your confidence, it builds your belief about what you can do. This is because if you’ve met other people who are doing what you want and achieving the results you want, it means it’s possible because they’ve done it.

So property networking events are a great way of building your belief and your confidence to move forward. You can achieve everything you want to achieve from your property investing.

- Simon Zutshi
Founder of the property investors network, author & speaker

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    Donna Hipkiss

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