Based on the process described in my ebook, The Easy-Going Entrepreneur: Using the Law of Attraction as your marketing strategy, this 4-day microschool helps you see marketing from the perspective of Spirit frequency. It provides you with tried-and-tested techniques for turning your marketing worries into calm. Hint: It's all about your vibration.

(15 reviews)
Allison Wentworth Ross
Allison Wentworth Ross
South Africa


Microdegree Outcomes

You're here because you love GeniusU as much as I do! Your Genius profile is spot on and you finally realise what you've been doing wrong in business. You've been a fish trying to climb a tree. 

And yet you're stuck... because KNOWING about flow is different to BEING in flow. 

Based on the process described in my ebook, The Easy-Going Entrepreneur: Using the Law of Attraction as your marketing strategy, this 4-day microschool helps you see marketing from the perspective of Spirit frequency. When you tackle marketing with this higher vibration, you're automatically in flow and your marketing decisions become clear and purposeful.

  • Embrace your Dynamo frequency as 'creativity' to attract followers
  • Embrace your Tempo freqency as 'empathy' to build a community
  • Embrace your Steel frequency as 'omniscience' to convert community members to prospects
  • Embrace your Blaze frequency as "abundance" to convert prospects to lifetime customers and partners
Your Microdegree Mentor
Allison Wentworth Ross
Allison Wentworth Ross Mentor

Degree Steps

Setting the tone
Getting started
See you soon!