Genius News

Welcome to our very first weekly Genius newsletter! There are so many exciting things happening in our global community. We hope this will help to keep you informed and up-to-date so you don’t miss a thing.

Message from Roger

What a year 2022 has turned out to be - many volatile months with regards to war, politics, extreme weather, money markets and property markets. Whilst we individually may not be able to control those events, we can however look for the opportunities that usually arise with any crisis. Here at Genius Group, we’ve been doing just that by completing an IPO on the New York Stock Exchange earlier this year and acquiring five companies: Education Angels in New Zealand and Property Investors Network in the UK, E-Squared Education Enterprises in South Africathe University of Antelope Valley in California and Revealed Films in Utah. After having acquired the University of Antelope Valley, we launched a $1 million scholarship fund for students to ensure an inclusive learning environment and partnered with NASA to introduce the NASA technology transfer program and create a unique opportunity for engineering and business students.

We’ve hosted a number of global events throughout the year, with our largest audiences ever, including, to name a few, our Global Impact Investor Summit with Brian Jung and Jaspreet Singh where more than 20,000 participants joined the event, Wealth Dynamics Masters held live in Bali and most recently the Global Entrepreneur Summit where also more than 20,000 participants joined the event and where world-class leaders and strategists such as Peter Diamandis, co-founder of Singularity University and the X Prize, Salim Ismail, author of Exponential Organizations and founder of OpenExo, and Verne Harnish, founder of the YEO and co-founder of Scaling UpFounder of the X Prize Foundation, Verne Harnish, and Salim Ismail, Co-Founder of OpenEXO, joined us to share their insights and advice. 

Our subsidiary GeniusU completed a seed round to support the development of its Metaversity to extend its courses and programs to interactive learning environments in the metaverse, with students and faculty connecting and learning in global classrooms and virtual 3D environments. I am also very proud to say that our edtech arm, GeniusU, was named a Singapore top 10 emerging giant in a KPMG report in July 2022, which is a testament of our continued growth and global impact. 

We’ve also had a number of highly experienced people join our leadership team such as Erez Simha as our Chief Financial Officer and Rav Karwal as our Chief Revenue Officer and our Board of Directors such as Richard Berman and Timothy Murphy, ex Deputy Director of the FBI.  

We have more exciting plans to share with you next year and I will be starting a regular blog to keep you updated on my news, thoughts and activities. But for now, I’d like to wish you and your family a very Happy New Year! 

Roger James Hamilton
Founder & CEO, Genius Group


You may have seen that our GeniusU website has been updated to show off our various learning communities. When you join any of our campuses, you will get access to the right network, knowledge and opportunities based on your personal values, vision, passions, talents and purpose.

Our campuses currently include:

Genius School Campus – for those who want to be part of the Education Movement that ignites the Genius in every child! You will have access to all our learnings through events, masterclasses, micro-schools and connections with other community members who support a personalised learning approach to make a difference in education.



GeniusU Partner Campus – where you will have the opportunity to grow a community and be earning and learning as either a Faculty member, creating and teaching courses, or as a Community member, hosting your own local school with the courses on GeniusU.

GeniusU Investor Campus - if you’re looking for investment opportunities, to better understand how you can future/recession-proof your portfolio and maximise your returns in this digital decade.

Entrepreneur Campus - you will have access to all our learnings through events, masterclasses and connection with other community members who are experiencing similar things to you.

Of course, you can join as many campuses as you like but we recommend only choosing those that are specifically relevant to you right now.

Our Community

Each week, we’ll pull a list of interesting things to read, watch or listen to that are being shared in the GeniusU community:

The Genius Educator Metaversity Shine Awards were recently announced and the nominees and winners were as follows:

Community Partner of the Year:

The nominees were An Nguyen, Tamami Ushiki, Amelia Hirawan, Esmeralda Herrera, Lourdes Gant and Henry Rahardja. 

The winner was Tamami Ushiki

Faculty Partner of the Year:

The nominees were Josef Hajkr, Dr Libby Kemkaran, Bea Benkova, Mark Robinson, Simon Zutshi and Cathy Shepphard. 

The winner was Josef Hajkr

Entrepreneur of the Year:

The nominees were Hime Tsurugasaki, Chas Prettejohn, Deborah Harris and Jonathan Boyd. 

The winner was Deborah Harris

And the overall winner of our GEM Awards was Tamami Ushiki.   

Tamami is our longest standing Global Partner, translating our products and programs for her growing community in Japan. She has recently published her first book about Wealth Dynamics in Japanese. Tamami has also partnered with another of our partners B1G1 and created a Japanese subsidiary. 

Many congratulations to Tamami, Deborah and Josef as well as all the finalists!!!  You can click on their names to go to their profile pages to connect with them and congratulate them directly! 


Genius School 

Our Genius School in South Africa has a primary school and high school in the thriving urban heart of Nelson Mandela Bay. The high school students have just secured an 81% pass rate whilst the primary school students had an amazing 100% pass rate, taking their overall average pass rate to 91%. 

Anovuyo Tyota was the highest performer in the recent exams in the primary school, securing 100% in two of her subjects and an average of 96.8% overall. 

Many congratulations to Anovuyo, all the students, teachers and staff for their excellent results!


Genius Academy

PIN has received lots of brilliant feedback from those who attended their virtual Property Mastermind Accelerator at the beginning of the month. One of the participants, Jeff Taylor rated it five stars saying that it exceeded his expectations on delivery, quality of content, usefulness of content, visual aids and overall. He was particularly pleased with the programme presenter Andy Haynes who delivers the programme and he gave it a 10 out of 10.


Entrepreneur Resorts

Genius Central Singapore was recognised as a ‘Business for Good’ by Architects of Life, who they have partnered with for over two years. Shah Hamzah, General Manager, was presented a hamper and certificate by the Minister of State. Architects of Life is a social enterprise which develops youth at risk and ex-offenders and they run ‘Triad Trails’ – a very unique tour led by ex-gangsters turned good. They go through Chinatown, ending up at Genius Central, which is in the same area, for a meal at the end of the tour.



Genius University

University of Antelope Valley has just started a new cohort of students in their Paramedic Certificate Program whilst another group has recently graduated.  We wish them all great success in their future careers.  

Investor News

We announced in November that we are working with Wes Christian, of the Christian Levine Law Group, a famed lawyer for pursuing illegal naked short selling who is investigating suspected market manipulation of our Genius Group shares. We will be providing an update once the investigation is complete.

We are also organizing an investor meeting on Tuesday 10th January at 8am EST / 9pm SGT to provide an update on the business and its subsidiaries and respond to shareholder enquiries. To ensure all enquiries are answered, all shareholder questions need to be submitted in advance to the email address

Press Coverage

You can keep up to date with our press coverage on our website. We were recently featured in Elite Business magazine where Roger shared his thoughts on The rise in self-funded learning generates more entrepreneurs. The pandemic not only changed the world of work and the way we live, but it also impacted the way we perceive our place in it. You can read the article here.

Upcoming Events

Jan 06 at 08:00 AM - Jan 08 at 16:00 PM GMT

Mastermind Accelerator Virtual

The Mastermind Accelerator is an intensive workshop for investors seeking to aggressively build out their property portfolio over the next twelve months.


Jan 12 at 09:00 AM - Jan 12 at 10:00 AM GMT

Education Revolution Masterclass EMEA Region

Join Jason Marc Campbell & Roger James Hamilton in this 1 hour free Masterclass where you will discover your unique Genius during this Education Revolution.



Jan 16 - Jan 20 

Marketing 5.0 Microschool

Join the 1-week Marketing 5.0 Microschool and ensure you stay ahead of the curve.

Stay connected

We’re sharing on these social media channels - please join us there too:






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