Learn From The GeniusU Community

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10 things you can do to save our ocean – We The Peoples –...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Our ocean is life. It gives us food to eat, fresh water to drink, and jobs to make a living. It protects us from the worst effects of…
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Empowerment 2.11 - Service To Self vs Service To Others

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

http://www.bentinhomassaro.tv - “Home to the sincere and committed spiritual practitioner.” ***Video Description: ***Come to an Event! http://www.bentinhomas...
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Entrepreneurs TV Episode 10: Standards

Entrepreneurs TV Episode 10: Standards.

Consider: Set your standards first.

It is the connection of your passions and the passions of those you are going serve. Connecting what you love to the love...

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Wealth Vector System Monthly Musing - March

Monthly Musing for March and looking into April 2018 

with the Wealth Vector System.

Conscious entrepreneurs seeking authentic connection and greater awareness on their entrepreneurial journey.

How can we work...

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FinTech specialist David Orban live in South Africa

Aldona Aldona Hawthorne

Get the chance of a lifetime to see Fin Tech specialist DAVID ORBAN LIVE IN SOUTH AFRICA, along with other global leaders in this space. Click here to book tickets http://bit.ly/2G3A00J  Tomorrow in...

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The Great Pacific Garbage Patch counts 1.8 trillion piece...

Icon purple Robert Mond

Roughly 79,000 metric tons of ocean plastic are floating inside The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a figure up to 16 times higher than previously estimated. This is 1.8 trillion pieces of trash, and plastic makes up 99.9% of this debris.
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Parasites: the good, bad and ugly - Health Dynamics 360

13653174 10154265436825270 5266301741751399495 o Jo Formosa

Stories in the media about a five-foot-long tapeworm crawling out of a Californian man’s body earlier this year or the brain eating amoeba which thrives in warm fresh water across large parts of inland Australia sound like they might be straight...
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Empowerment 2.8 - Discover your Theme and Empower it

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

http://www.bentinhomassaro.tv - “Home to the sincere and committed spiritual practitioner.” ***Video Description: ***Come to an Event! http://www.bentinhomas...
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Arthritis is a digestive problem and it’s not just affect...

13653174 10154265436825270 5266301741751399495 o Jo Formosa

The number of people diagnosed with arthritis has risen to an all-time high and sufferers are not just in their senior years either. Arthritis is becoming much more common, and affecting younger people than ever before, because our systems are...
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"We have eroded the culture of learning" – Sir Ken Robins...

Phil ceremony Phil Heeley

Few educational visionaries can command attention in the same way as Sir Ken Robinson.