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Productivity is dangerous

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

You know who else was productive?
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EQ vs IQ: Why emotional intelligence will take your kid f...

Phil ceremony Phil Heeley

Long gone are the days of taking IQ tests. Here's why emotional intelligence is a better predictor of your child’s success.
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Music creation is now possible on mobile devices | Best i...

Phil ceremony Phil Heeley

With the advancement of technology comes the next big thing. You can now create music through apps just by using your mobile device.
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Its not about your product or service its about the probl...

Acg8ocjx81wmymcdvontbrqeaewui nn0sutsb0fkzjwmng5uuhzcz2f=s50 Sajid Siddiqui

A lot of times entrepreneurs are infatuated with their wonderful product. 

The key focus in the beginning is to focus on what problem you're trying to solve.

This fundamental point is illustrated by the...

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Creativity and imagination are as crucial for science as ...

Phil ceremony Phil Heeley

Science education in our country emphasises on facts and concepts over imagination and problem solving, leaving little room for the creative thinking.
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The Hungry Ghost Inside Us

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

Everyone living in a capitalist world is dealing with the hungry ghost. We all feel the pain of disconnection, of having our value determined by our economic...
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Can You Remove Plastic Bottles from your Life? Envirotech...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

On average, roughly half a trillion plastic bottles are produced every single year, primarily for the huge drinks industry. Click to read more...
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Wealth Dynamics Vector Cards Business Focus 18th-24th Dec...

Your weekly business focus.

18th - 24th December 2017

The question this week:

"Where can we focus our energy this week to be in alignment with our offerings to meet the market demand...

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Frankenfoods: How Fast, Fake and Processed Foods Are Kill...

13653174 10154265436825270 5266301741751399495 o Jo Formosa

Processed foods aren’t just microwave meals, McDonalds burgers, packets of chips or soft drinks - these are definitely among the worst - but engineered food products are increasingly becoming part of our Western diets.The food industry also uses...
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The Future of Online Education: 7 Trends to Watch

Phil ceremony Phil Heeley

The world has never been as fast-paced as it is today. With that in mind, we look at seven of the top online education trends for you to watch.