Learn From The GeniusU Community

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Five visions for the future of music

Phil ceremony Phil Heeley

What will 2018 look like for fans, bands and artists?
Desktop blog imagery hd360 forgetnyresolutions

Forget New Year Resolutions, Here’s How To Transform Your...

13653174 10154265436825270 5266301741751399495 o Jo Formosa

There are two more days left until we say goodbye to 2017. How has this year been for you? Has it been the best year of your life?Whether it’s been a winning year, or not quite, I want you to stop for one moment and take a minute to think about...
Desktop blog imagery hd360 bakedfish

Baked Fish with Slivered Almonds - Health Dynamics 360

13653174 10154265436825270 5266301741751399495 o Jo Formosa

Ingredients• 1 piece of white fish• ¾ cup vegetable mix - green beans, broccoli florets, zucchini• ¼ cup onions, thinly sliced • 1/3 cup home-made or organic vegetable stock• ½ tablespoon fresh chopped parsley• ½ small clove garlic, crushed• ½...
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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

940887 970255989680490 8322601346552138306 n Richard Havermale

feast of st.  Stephen John, Chapter 7, verse 13: Still, no one spoke openly about him because they were afraid of the Jews. A...
Desktop 3.5 charge 25th dec

Merry Christmas- Business Week with the Wealth Dynamics V...

Your weekly business focus.

25th - 31st December 2017

The question this week:
"What is the best use of my energy this week in my business?."

Vector Card: 3.5 CHARGE

“Seek rapid...

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Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

Looks like the fact that we’re all connected is more real than we thought :O
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How To Know When Your Creative Work Is Finished?

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

In a community I joined recently , somebody made this post in the Writers group: "How do you know when you're "done" with editing and ...
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Five Reasons You Should Be Eating More Turmeric - Health ...

13653174 10154265436825270 5266301741751399495 o Jo Formosa

From turmeric lattes to turmeric facials - the super spice which has been used in Ayurveda for 5000 years is now becoming recognised for its potent healing powers across the western world.Turmeric, or Curcuma longa, is the most well-known, widely...
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Why Resolutions Fail (and How to Set Yourself up for Succ...

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

Do you make resolutions at the start of a new year? How is that working for you? If you respond with a fist pump of victory, you’re in the minority (only 8% of people successfully achieve their resolutions). What’s going on? Why are res ...
Desktop profile mechanic   entreprise request

WDVector Cards: The Mechanic & the stages of enterprise

Community Request: 

The Mechanic Profile and the 8 stages of the Entreprise.

Here is an outline below for all you entrepreneurial Mechanics in our community.

Each of the profiles has their own...