Learn From The GeniusU Community

Desktop screen shot 2017 11 09 at 12.32.01

Merging GeniusU accounts - when you have 2 accounts on Ge...

Acg8ocjx81wmymcdvontbrqeaewui nn0sutsb0fkzjwmng5uuhzcz2f=s50 Sajid Siddiqui

If you have 2 GeniusU accounts and want to merge them into one. 

Then this can be done by clicking on the following link:

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Tina enneagram course Tina Jonasen

We all the get same notification post by post, on multiple circles - so not a good idea to tag in un-related circles with all ones posts (just because its too easy to tag them) - in an effort to spread them as much as possible...

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200 universities just launched 560 free online courses. H...

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

If you haven’t heard, universities around the world offering their courses online for free (or at-least partially free). These courses are…
Desktop tortoise and the hare

The sprint versus the marathon - 3-6 month focus as oppos...

Acg8ocjx81wmymcdvontbrqeaewui nn0sutsb0fkzjwmng5uuhzcz2f=s50 Sajid Siddiqui

The concept of the sprint versus the marathon is all about cycles of learning.

If you're starting a business for the first time, it is crucial that you set yourself a clear target of what you want to achieve and by...

Desktop screen shot 2017 11 08 at 19.26.25

How to block messages from other users

Acg8ocjx81wmymcdvontbrqeaewui nn0sutsb0fkzjwmng5uuhzcz2f=s50 Sajid Siddiqui

If you don't want to receive messages from particular users and want to block them from being able to contact you.

This is done by clicking on the following link:

Desktop persistence

The 8th Principle towards Riches; Persistence

Simon in colour Simon Zutshi

The 8th Principle towards Riches; Persistence

Next to the word Persistence in the dictionary, are we likely to see a picture of you? How is your persistence nowadays? Is it at your core, or are you...

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How Science Reveals That “Well-Being” Is a Skill

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

World-renowned neuroscientist Richie Davidson on the scientific factors that shape well-being. #mindfulnessresearch #wellbeing
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Rudolf Steiner STUDY GROUP: Intuitive Thinking as a Spiri...

STUDY GROUP - for next WEDNESDAY 15 November 2017

TEXT: Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual path.

The energy of a 9: 


contributes to making the world a better...

Desktop focuson1

In a world of ever changing choices to succeed you need t...

Acg8ocjx81wmymcdvontbrqeaewui nn0sutsb0fkzjwmng5uuhzcz2f=s50 Sajid Siddiqui

One of the problems I had to overcome was the incessant need to try and do multiple projects at the same time. 

It felt good from the perspective that I felt like I was hustling and it felt like it only had to take one of my...

Desktop screen shot 2017 11 07 at 22.59.07

When people contact you on GeniusU you can be notified by...

Acg8ocjx81wmymcdvontbrqeaewui nn0sutsb0fkzjwmng5uuhzcz2f=s50 Sajid Siddiqui

A new feature has been added this week - you can now configure the email updates that you want GeniusU to send you. 

GeniusU can automatically send you an email in the following instances:

1) When...