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Desktop graphicstock man standing on top of the hill watching the starsillustration painting ryjldy1eoqx

Future Success

One2one %2822 of 39%29 Adriann Meyer

Future Success 

In a rapidly changing world, the idea of success is changing. Increased transparency, availability of information and instant feedback is making it...

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Mystery of octopuses found crawling along Welsh beach

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Up to 25 of the cephalopods end up on dry land, possibly confused or injured by the recent storms
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Think & Grow Rich 13 Principles "Deep Dive" #2: Faith

Simon in colour Simon Zutshi

Here’s a thing: Whenever we set  out with a purpose, plan or proposal for success, the amount of faith,  actual faith, will direct and proportionately affect our chances of  success. 

Faith is the ‘secret’...

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Morgan Stanley predicts space industry will triple in siz...

Cp profile pic headshot with colour background Chandresh Chandresh

Morgan Stanley estimates the space industry will grow into an economy worth more than $1.1 trillion by 2040.
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Think & Grow Rich 13 Principles "Deep Dive" #1: Desire

Simon in colour Simon Zutshi

Here’s the thing: Before you can grow rich, you must have a desire to be rich. The desire to grow rich cannot be flaky or whimsical; it must be a Deliberate Intense Desire.

Desire Makes the Impossible...

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Tina enneagram course Tina Jonasen

Haven´t gotten (asked for) reviews here on GeniusU yet ?

Reviews are important, both for yourself, future contacts and your ranking here on GeniusU !

Forget about being shy, or what ever holds you back from asking your clients, team...

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Tina enneagram course Tina Jonasen

In my daily routine online I visit  The Greater Good page

 - and give FREE CLICKS to The Hunger site, The Breast Cancer site, Animal Rescue site and...

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Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

What do you do if you run a successful business or are in a really good job but still feel unfulfilled? Being stuck in a ‘success trap’ can be harder to get out of than a failure.

Five years ago, Hilda Lunderstedt decided to sell her...

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Click every day to give food for the hungry.

Tina enneagram course Tina Jonasen

Your click is FREE and provides food and essential nutrients to those in need. Together, we have given over 856 million cups of food!
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Neale Donald Walsch on The Path Towards Self-Awakening

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

Join Neale Donald Walsch in our next upcoming Masterclass on Mindvalley Academy