Learn From The GeniusU Community

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The Gift Of Speach Used Wisely

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

You have the gift. You can speak. Even if you were dumb, you still speak — inwardly you speak, and you form these little speech movements within yourself. Make them conform to your wish fulfilled. ~ Neville Goddard

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Technical Debt… It’s Itchy and Hard to Manage – Lyndsey –...

Img 1759 Stephen Purkiss

The most convincing argument I ever heard for why organisations should not go down the road of building apps is because once they build it…
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How Digital Government Is Evolving with Drupal

Img 1759 Stephen Purkiss

In 2012 we wrote a blog post about why many of the biggest government websites were turning to Drupal. The fact is, an overwhelming number of government organizations from state and local branches to federal agencies have chosen to build their...
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Arsenal using Drupal

Img 1759 Stephen Purkiss

One of the most successful soccer teams, Arsenal, relaunched its website on Drupal 8.
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Drupal Community and its care for mental health – Levi Go...

Img 1759 Stephen Purkiss

People from my close circle know that I have been dealing with several mental health issues the past years. This article is not about me…
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Celebrating the full Drupal Commerce 2.0 release | Commer...

Img 1759 Stephen Purkiss

The Drupal Commerce 2.x development process has been one big adventure! Over the last 2.5 years we've accumulated 2,000 code commits in multiple repositories from over 70 contributors at dozens of agencies. With last week's release of a stable...
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The End Of The Web CMS Brass Era? | purkiss

Img 1759 Stephen Purkiss

Growing up in Essex with my father and most of my friends families working in some capacity for the Ford Motor Company, I tend to gravitate towards the automotive industry whenever I hear people saying we need to look to history in order to see...
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Trying Drupal | Dave Hall Consulting

Img 1759 Stephen Purkiss

Let's start with Contentful. I start off by visiting their website.
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How to Develop a Leadership Attitude (TOP TIPS)

Fred headshot maxres main Fred Ferrante

An interesting article by Sonia McDonald on developing effective leadership attitudes and behaviours, including top tips from Tim Ferriss. READ MORE HERE...
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6 Key Attitudes of Successful Leaders - RICHTOPIA

Fred headshot maxres main Fred Ferrante

Being an effective leader includes many aspects, from experience and knowledge right through to planning and strategy. If you want to really stand out as a leader, then it comes down to how well you communicate with others and what sort of...