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1bn trees planted in Pakistan in a bid to slow the effect...

Fred headshot maxres main Fred Ferrante

After decades of deforestation, a province in Pakistan has planted 1bn trees in two years
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7 reasons why we need to act now to #SaveOurOcean

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

The oceans have it all: from microscopic life to the largest animal that has ever lived on Earth, from the colourless to the shimmering, from the frozen to the boiling and from the sunlit to the mysterious dark of the deepest parts of the planet.
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A National Shark Fin Ban Could Have a Surprising Benefit:...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

A bill introduced to Congress last Thursday aims to make it illegal to buy or sell shark fins in the United States. A nationwide ban would be a big boon for these top predators — fins from as many as 73 million sharks end up in the fin trade every...
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Dogs in the Ancient World

Will reed William Reed

Dogs have been a part of the history of human beings since before the written word. The ancient temple of Gobekli-Tepe in Turkey, dated to at least 12,000 years BCE, has provided archaeologists with evidence...
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Sea sponge the size of a minivan discovered in ocean dept...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Scientists find immense creature 2,100m below surface of the ocean; researcher says it is ‘probably in the order of centuries to millennia old’
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Turning the tide on ocean degradation

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Momentum is building up to conserve the vital global commons of the seas, halting its decline into a vast saltwater desert
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The Ultimate Business Course in Core Values – cultbrandin...

Fred headshot maxres main Fred Ferrante

Our firm uses core values to help companies attract more profitable customers. Over time, we’ve discovered that our readers are predominantly inspired leaders. Core values play a major role in inspired leadership.
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Gender must be at the heart of climate action

Wf 170216 gac 1326 Susie Hutchison

Women have fewer opportunities to make decisions on how to deal with global warming - we must change this
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Hack the Potential of Your Brain and Body With This Simpl...

Fred headshot maxres main Fred Ferrante

Quest Nutrition Founder turned motivator Tom Bilyeu is host of the new entrepreneurial mentorship show, Impact Theory. Impact TheoryTM, is Tom’s new pay-it-forward company aimed at unlocking human potential and inspiring future entrepreneurs....
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Photographer captures breathtaking images as he swims wit...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Beautiful images show a majestic blue whale plunging into the deepest depths of the clear blue sea - and one diver was lucky enough to swim right beside him on a whale watching trip in Sri Lanka.