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Will reed William Reed

THE PEOPLE VS THE SCHOOL SYSTEM How do YOU think we can create a better future of learning. Go here and share your thoughts on the topic! http://www.bit.ly/2...
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12-Step Climate Change & Global Warming Action Plan For I...

Wf 170216 gac 1326 Susie Hutchison

By Darshan Goswami, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Clean air and a livable climate are inalienable human rights. And solving this crisis is not a question of politics. It is a question of our own survival. Climate change is real. Global warming is the root...
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To Accelerate Your Success, Build A Keystone Habit – The ...

One2one %2822 of 39%29 Adriann Meyer

When I started writing 1000 words a day, I had no idea that such a ritualistic and simple daily habit would invite so much opportunity and…
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France Plans to Ban Fossil Fuel Production

Wf 170216 gac 1326 Susie Hutchison

"Climate leadership in the 21st century is about more than reducing emissions, pricing carbon and improving efficiency. It must also be about keeping fossil fuels that the climate cannot afford in the ground." — Oil Change International
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Why would I use Drupal?

Img 3406 Stephen Purkiss

Often the first question I get asked is "Why would I use Drupal?" and it reminds me of this image. 

Drupal is a toolset for building what you want as much of what you need has already been built, so why build it again? From...

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Celebrate Drupal Commerce 2.0 with us! | Commerce Guys

Img 3406 Stephen Purkiss

Drupal Commerce 2.0 will release on September 20, 2017. It has been a monumental effort involving over 70 developers and agencies from around the world, and we can all feel proud of what we've achieved together. It is now more capable out of the...
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The End Of The Web CMS Brass Era? | purkiss

Img 3406 Stephen Purkiss

Growing up in Essex with my father and most of my friends families working in some capacity for the Ford Motor Company, I tend to gravitate towards the automotive industry whenever I hear people saying we need to look to history in order to see...
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Leapfrog the Drupal Learning Curve & Architect the Perfec...

Img 3406 Stephen Purkiss

"Drupal has a steep learning curve" is something I hear time and again, however I feel this is a misguided perception and something we need to work towards changing - especially now focus is on the adoption journey. Learning how to 'Drupal' is...
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Entertainment Tonight using Drupal

Img 3406 Stephen Purkiss

How Entertainment Tonight relaunched its website on Drupal 8 to serve 19 million unique monthly visitors