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environment Archives - Positive News

Fred headshot maxres main Fred Ferrante

France is set to ban the sale of any car that uses petrol or diesel fuel by 2040. The country’s ecology minister called it a “revolution”
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23 Environmental and Animal Organizations Are Standing Up...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

This year, shortly before the day marking the beginning of yet another killing season, 23 environmental and animal welfare organizations from all over the world came together to ask Japan to finally put an end to the hunts, International Marine...

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Northern lights linked to North Sea whale strandings - BB...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Scientists connect the solar storms behind the Aurora Borealis to the deaths of 29 whales in the North Sea.
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A Counterintuitive Advice That Works :)

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

Give over your own willing; give over your own running; give over your own desiring to know or to be any thing, and sink down to the seed which God sows in the heart, and let that grow in you, and be in you, and breathe in you, and act in you,...

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Want to be an entrepreneur? Leave politeness at the door

Dsc 2602   square   pro Elphie Coyle

There are more entrepreneurs in countries where ruthless business traits are held in higher esteem.
Desktop sk rmbillede 2017 09 05 kl. 14.29.14

UNIQUE mulighed StartUp-mulighed her!!!

Tina enneagram course Tina Jonasen

UNIQUE mulighed StartUp-mulighed her!!!

Stifteren Roger Hamilton skriver:

"I'm really excited to be writing to you today, with an exclusive invitation, to become one of the first 200 GeniusU Entrepreneur Leaders, as part of our...

Desktop sk rmbillede 2017 09 05 kl. 14.29.14

GeniusU Leader Membership - prelaunch

Tina enneagram course Tina Jonasen

A GREAT opportunity - from our founder: Roger Hamilton  

Exclusive invitation 

"I'm really excited to be writing to you today, with an exclusive invitation, to become one of the first 200 GeniusU Entrepreneur Leaders, as...

Desktop sk rmbillede 2017 09 05 kl. 14.29.14

GeniusU Leader Membership - prelaunch

Tina enneagram course Tina Jonasen

A GREAT opportunity - from Roger James Hamilton / The Entrepreneur Movement;

Exclusive invitation 

- GeniusU Leader Membership prelaunch

"I'm really excited to be writing to you today, with an exclusive invitation, to become...

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Old and new powers are working together to create conscio...

Fred headshot maxres main Fred Ferrante

Between the established circles of ‘old power’ and the thriving yet young dynamism of ‘new power’, it may seem society is caught in stalemate in enacting real change. But as Noa Gafni shows, the two are finding new ways of working together
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How to Skyrocket the Success of Your WordPress Blog Even ...

Fred headshot maxres main Fred Ferrante

You’ll probably agree with me when I say: Technically, creating a high value WordPress Blog isn’t difficult. All you need to do is find some tutorials and get a site up and running. There are plenty of blogs and videos that can teach you all the...