Lisa Michaels Mentoring Reviews

The work I have done with Lisa is honestly the most valuable "self-work" I have ever done. I feel like it has given me "THE KEY" to unlocking my "ME". The sessions we do always reveal these amazing truths that are leading me toward so much more self-acceptance and flow in my experience. Thank you Lisa! XO, Kiva.

There are many, many reasons for me to praise P3 Academy!! V. Lynn, and her team, have helped me in countless ways to advance my business at the operations level, in determining how I would organize, and helping me hone my focus moving forward. P3 is an invaluable resource and I highly recommend using them to ensure that, as Roger says, your identity, your dent in the universe, has as much global impact as you want to see in the world!! Thank you, V. Lynn, for your amazing work! YOU are a blessing in this world!!

NaturCentrc is dedicated to creating a more sustainable, uplifted and compassionate world. And training leaders who want to stand up and make a difference in the world