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Business Systems & Structure
Welcome to Business Systems & Structure! For support and resources on the underlying structure you need to have for a successful business; this is where you want to be! With Mission Mentor, LeahMarie C. Ritz, a Mechanic that is all about getting things done, and in the...
Entrepreneurs Institute Global Partners
This circle is for Entrepreneur Institute's Global Partners
Integrated Holistic Health Solutions
To create an adaptable, integrated, collaborative and personalised community of integrated solution providers in holistic health and wellness. So that we can provide solutions to health solution seekers. Our aim is to collectively work together to solve their health problem...
Integrated Holistic Health Network
The purpose of this group is to create an adaptable, integrated and personalized network for holistic health and wellness so that together we reduce the chronic burden of preventable disease in our lifetime.
Genius Ninjas
This circle is for all team members of Genius Group! A place where we can all connect, share achievements, updates, customer feedback and simple appreciations of your fellow Genius Ninjas too!
Escape The Rat Race - Your Ticket To Escape The 9-5.
Only join this circle if..... You're in a 9-5 job and you hate it. Your boss drives you mad, you're over-worked and under-appreciated....and you need an escape or You've started your own business, but it's not yet generating enough cash, and you need...
Health Dynamics
Discover your personal path to health by taking the Health Dynamics Profile Test! We will match your Wealth Dynamics profile to your body type and revolutionise your approach to health and wellness by empowering you to achieve new levels of well-being and success in your...
Ribby Hall Preston, UK Workshops - November 2016
This Circle is for our awesome Flow Consultants attending our Business Accelerator and Performance Consulting workshops in November 2016. This is where everyone can connect before the event, post queries and get key event information. Welcome!
The Millionaire Master Plan
The objective in this mission is to learn your natural path in wealth.
Steel Genius
Steel Genius are Systems Smart. They take care with detail, but are often over-cautious. Figures from Warren Buffett to Henry Ford and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg share this genius. This circle is for Steel Geniuses to connect and build.