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Global Entrepreneur Summit - Lusaka, Zambia
This is a circle where the community of Lusaka get together, collaborate, learn, earn and grow in their entrepreneurial journey.
Grow your business, leadership and impact! Pranary is a practical business school for entrepreneurs. Pranary is a venture backed edtech company that is making business education practical  OUR MISSION Our mission at Pranary is to inspire and equip people to build...
Global Entrepreneur Summit - Chennai, India
This is a circle where the community of Chennai get together, collaborate, learn, earn and grow in their entrepreneurial journey.
Global Entrepreneur Summit - Marbella, Spain
This is a circle where the community of Marbella get together, collaborate, learn, earn and grow in their entrepreneurial journey.
Identity Regained
During times of loss and separation we often lose our identity. We can look up one day and ask the question "Who am I?" This community helps those with identity pain into its regain using a series of tools to overcome and soar with your identity regained.
Sara 2
Book of Changes - 64 stories Method : I-Ching
This circle is about sharing information for applying I-Ching in our daily life through Wealth Dynamics system. Leader, Hide, is an ambassador of Japan Wealth dynamics and applying principles since 2007. Hide understands both Japanese and English and keep learning from a...
Team Campus
GeniusU Campus for GeniusU Team.
Raiseworth Pty Ltd
Raiseworth operates in two areas: 1) Asset Tokenisation Tokenising an asset spans multiple knowledge and operational areas. Many of these areas are in conflict with each other as these are pioneering days. Eventually, one-stop shops for tokenization will appear, but in...
Leader Campus
GeniusU Default Campus