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Wealth Dynamics Vector Cards Live Workshop


LIVE workshop with me using the Wealth Dynamic Vector Cards in New Zealand and Australia for 2018.

Putting my "feelers" out there to see if there is any interest, to connect in person and...

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Jordan Peterson - Do You Want To Have A Life? Or Be Excep...

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

original source: https://youtu.be/nsZ8XqHPjI4?t=1h48m9s Psychology Professor Dr. Jordan B. Peterson on how and why to balance career and personal life, unles...
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Canada pushing G7 nations to sign no plastics pledge to s...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Canada plans to use its presidency of the G7 this year to push fellow member countries to help stop the oceans from becoming massive rubbish heaps.
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Bottled water is a nonsense. Just ban it and fill our tow...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Plastic-free aisles just don’t go far enough – the government must be decisive if it is to fulfil its green pledges
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Introducing our new cryptocurrency: WealthE Coin

Aldona Aldona Hawthorne

This week we continue to share with our WEALTHE TM Coin community. 
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Your Weekly Business focus: 29th January - 4th February 2018

Your Weekly Business focus:

29th January - 4th February 2018

Perfect timing to have Roger's Mastermind call this week and have this card present itself - get into the spreadsheet and Ask your questions...

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10 Most Common Mistakes Made By Property Entrepreneurs

Picture?height=120&width=120 Slawek Wilski

 Property investment is like a double-edged sword, it cuts both ways that it could create wealth or it could put you at a great loss of money. Just like with any practice mistakes often happen and with failure comes success...

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Weekend sharing: Your Hero's Journey

In Weekend Mode: sharing this new insight around the Hero's journey - as entrepreneurs we embark on "this" epic journey and Roger mentions it in MD12 Your Legacy.

I don't know if any other woman have felt or resisted the...

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Community Question with Wealth Vector Dynamics

Community Question Video: 

"If the "other" does not know or understand the process or Wealth Dynamics can you still get into Flow ?"
