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Groundbreaking: World Bank Announces It Will No Longer Fu...

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

By:  Jay Syrmopoulos / The Free Thought Project    Paris, France – A major shift in energy policy was announced on Tuesday, as the President of the World Bank, Jim Yong Kim, made a statement during the One Planet Summit in Paris that said the bank...
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David Lynch's Top 10 Rules For Success (@DAVID_LYNCH)

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

✎ David Lynch's Top 10 Rules For Success: In this video we're going to learn how to improve our lives by analyzing our take on David Lynch's rules for succes...
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Broken Brain: Episode 2 (No Music)

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

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Logo Image 印

Will reed William Reed

The Logo for the Signature Seals Circle is the character for Seal 印 (IN), set upon a Rising Red Sun, the Symbol of Japan.

Think of the character as a picture of a hand on the left holding a personal seal.


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Background Image—

Will reed William Reed

The IROHA Poem

A great exercise in concentration to paint this with a small brush.

A fascinating history described here:

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Seal for a Renaissance Samurai

Will reed William Reed

As a calligrapher in Japan I have a number of hand carved signature seals, expressing different meanings through carefully selected Chinese characters. The first image is a digitized image of the hand carved seal. It reads SAMURAI 侍 on the...

Desktop 22 13 things your kids principal wont tell you expert on everything

What Is the Role of Parents in Child’s Homework

Picture?height=170&width=170&access token=200028500157213|71a3b3f8c0965ac64ef772b5f9d0c02f Muhammad Qasim

If we have children then it is fact that we all dream of our kids and children getting admission in the top schools and colleges and in the universities so that a source of the great appeal and aspire awe in lots of the students...

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How We Can Learn English Quickly

Picture?height=170&width=170&access token=200028500157213|71a3b3f8c0965ac64ef772b5f9d0c02f Muhammad Qasim

People who feel some time embarrassed when speaking English due to you feel that your communication and pronunciation is bad or maybe you are simply afraid to make grammar mistakes when you make that. There is a general thing which we...

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The Case for Getting Rid of Borders—Completely

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

No defensible moral framework regards foreigners as less deserving of rights than people born in the right place at the right time.
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What Are the Basic Tips on Revise Paper for Students?

Picture?height=170&width=170&access token=200028500157213|71a3b3f8c0965ac64ef772b5f9d0c02f Muhammad Qasim

There are lots of things which we have to keep in mind while writing the assignments and so as for the revision. No matter what type of subjects you have normally so that learns four essential tips for revising the work is good habit...