Learn From The GeniusU Community

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FETC 2018: Ken Robinson argues 2 key points in support o...

Phil ceremony Phil Heeley

More pressure is needed from the bottom up if a push for creativity over standardization is to continue forcing change in schools.
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Modern Trends In Bridal Fashion Jewelry Items

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The color, neck and the materials used in the making of the dress, all play a determining role in deciding the bridal jewelry. The stones used in the bridal fashion jewelry must also be considered before making a choice, as each...

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12 Easy Ayurvedic Practices Which Will Transform Your Hea...

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From turmeric lattes and starting the day with warm lemon water, to a love of coconut oil, yoga, meditation, eating light dinners and the importance of gut health, there is a growing interest in Ayurvedic medicine as more and more people look for...
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'Virtual reality in education will help create the workfo...

Phil ceremony Phil Heeley

Teachers feel grades will go up by delivering new experiences, such as climbing Everest via virtual reality
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We know junk food makes us sick. Are 'junk values' making...

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

The more materialistic and extrinsically motivated you become, the more depressed you will be.
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Habits: Stategy of the Four Tendencies

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

http://www.gretchenrubin.com It’s very important to know ourselves, but self-knowledge is challenging. I’m like a Muggle Sorting Hat! I sort everyone into fo...
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Video: Profile Flow with the Wealth Dynamics Vector Cards

Video: Profile Flow with the Wealth Dynamics Vector Cards.


Addressing a community question about how to get into Flow with others through...

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Life Lessons From Muhammad Ali!

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Usain Bolt's speed, Michael Jordan #23's jump or Muhammad Ali’s dominance. What makes these athletes rise above the fold and push the limits of human capacity to climb above others?

Most people would equate this #success to the...

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Entrepreneurs TV Episode 4 - Rhythm

Entrepreneurs TV Episode 4 - Rhythm

The 4th principle to 10x your business.

Why rhythm is as important in business as it is in music. 

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Remember that kid who invented a way to clean up ocean pl...

Marie   nina   close up Marie Ruzicka

Boyan Slat's solar-powered booms will soon be in the Pacific Ocean.