Learn From The GeniusU Community

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Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts with ignoring the guidel...

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

Can a person be "cured" of Type 2 Diabetes? Dr. Sarah Hallberg provides compelling evidence that it can, and the solution is simpler than you might think. Dr...
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The future of financial education - Money Marketing

Phil ceremony Phil Heeley

Advisers are urging action to help those in schools and the workplace
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Citizen scientist scuba divers shed light on the impact o...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Reef Life Survey, a citizen science project where hundreds of volunteer scuba divers survey thousands of ocean sites, has revealed new insights into marine mysteries.
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Why Most Entrepreneurs Are Slowly Killing Themselves | Ph...

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Can we actually accomplish more by working less? Does the success o...
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how God tells you its time for a change

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

I dedicate this to myself ...
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The Original Trauma - Inner Reconciliation and Emotional ...

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

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Three Cheers for Fish and Sea Turtles in the Gulf! - Ocea...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation has officially announced that they are providing more than $100 million …
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Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

93% of Great Barrier Reef hit by bleaching
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Sign and share to STOP the plastic tide today

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

Choking. Starving. Poisoning. That’s what plastic litter is doing to marine life. Sign, donate and share the Marine Conservation Society’s campaign to #STOPtheplastictide!
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The problem with modern education

Phil ceremony Phil Heeley

The modern education system, designed to help kids create a future for themselves, is ultimately failing to do so. The system that we know today has changed very little since schooling became available to the masses during the 18th and 19th...