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Michelle Michelle
When you're presenting a workshop and have a hitch due to an electrical power problem, don't be surprised if the Universe steps in to assist. - On week 4 of our initial 8 week Personal Transformation Adult Education program...
Sanket Apte
Louise Mosley
Louise Mosley
Adriann Meyer
Future Success
In a rapidly changing world, the idea of success is changing. Increased transparency, availability of information and instant feedback is making it...
Louise Mosley
Simon Zutshi
Here’s a thing: Whenever we set out with a purpose, plan or proposal for success, the amount of faith, actual faith, will direct and proportionately affect our chances of success.
Faith is the ‘secret’...
Chandresh Chandresh
Simon Zutshi
Here’s the thing: Before you can grow rich, you must have a desire to be rich. The desire to grow rich cannot be flaky or whimsical; it must be a Deliberate Intense Desire.
Desire Makes the Impossible...
Tina Jonasen
Haven´t gotten (asked for) reviews here on GeniusU yet ?
Reviews are important, both for yourself, future contacts and your ranking here on GeniusU !
Forget about being shy, or what ever holds you back from asking your clients, team...