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5 Levels of Truth Telling

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

“Start telling the truth now and never stop. Begin by telling the truth to yourself about yourself. Then tell the truth to yourself about someone else. Then tell the truth about yourself to another. Then tell the truth about another to that...

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Could robots liberate future generations?

Wf 170216 gac 1326 Susie Hutchison

Automation and artificial intelligence have the power to transform the very nature of work.
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Lorna Johnson

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

Me too. (#warningnotwarning) “Me too” is what women are posting who’ve been sexually abused, in solidarity with the women coming out against Harvey Weinstein. Except I lied when I posted that up...
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The Power Of Our Imagination

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

Right now, I am working on a translation of the book "The Power Of Awareness" by Neville Goddard . In Chapter VII, there is this simple...
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Seven more lessons for a successful career (and life) fro...

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

Jack Ma shared more of the thinking that has made him the richest man in Asia, as he delivered speeches on successive days at Alibaba’s She-Era 2017 and Global Netrepreneurs conferences in Hangzhou in July.

1. There...

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The 12 Common Archetypes

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

1. The Innocent Motto: Free to be you and me Core desire: to get to paradise Goal: to be happy Greatest fear: to be punished for doing something bad or wrong Strategy: to do things right Weakness: boring for all their naive innocence Talent: faith...
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Violence against women -- it's a men's issue

Marie   nina   close up Marie Ruzicka

Domestic violence and sexual abuse are often called "women's issues." But in this bold, blunt talk, Jackson Katz points out that these are intrinsically men's issues -- and shows how these violent behaviors are tied to definitions of manhood. A...
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The importance of regular detoxing

13653174 10154265436825270 5266301741751399495 o Jo Formosa

Detoxing not only can help a range of ailments including insomnia and stress; hormonal imbalance and poor blood circulation; premature aging and...
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5 Trends In Cryptocurrency Entrepreneurs Need to Know

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

The online payment realm has made serious strides in the past 10 to 20 years. Today, we can make payments easily and quickly by simply filling in some online information and clicking a few buttons. Money is debited from our accounts and we...

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Three Leadership Lessons For Underage Entrepreneurs

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

When Travis Kalanick, the chief executive of Uber, was caught on tape berating a driver earlier this year,...