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Google's Pixel Buds translation will change the world

Cp profile pic headshot with colour background Chandresh Chandresh

How Google's Pixel Buds-based translations will demolish language barriers
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Step Into Your Desire

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

"You can move into any state, for all states are already completed. All you need to do is step into the state, for it to be transformed from a shadow to the only substance. Think of your desire and it’s a shadow lacking form. Enter it and it is...

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The IMF, Gender Equality and Labour - Bretton Woods Project

Img 4206 edited 2280x2074 Melissa Bordogna

BWP briefing explores IMF's labour market policies in the context of women in the informal economy and suggests they will not contribute to decreasing inequalities.
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'Uphill battle': Australian women earn 87 cents to every ...

Img 4206 edited 2280x2074 Melissa Bordogna

The median full-time working woman in Australia earns 87 cents to every man's dollar, new OECD research shows.
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Leadership – How to Motivate Your Staff – HiACHIEVR

Fred headshot maxres main Fred Ferrante

by TONY OLEJNICKI | Creator of the HiACHIEVR Program |
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Why You Need To Be Going To The Toilet Every Day - Health...

13653174 10154265436825270 5266301741751399495 o Jo Formosa

​Author and scientist Giulia Enders has become renowned for her charming way of talking about the gut, and also promoting the importance of gut health. The 27-year old, who wrote the New York Times best-seller Gut: The Inside Story of Our Body’s...
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Highlights from Drupalcon Vienna | Digitalist Sweden

Img 1759 Stephen Purkiss

So last week we went with a big crowd (16 of us) from Digitalist to Drupalcon in Vienna to join the about 2000 other attendees. We went to sessions and BOF:s about caching in Drupal 8, Symfony components in Drupal core, Docker, Config split,...
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Serif vs. Sans: the final battle | Webdesigner Depot

Img 1759 Stephen Purkiss

First it was the Capulets versus the Montagues; then it was Coke versus Pepsi; and the latest epic battle? Serif versus sans-serif, of course. Lucky for us, the crew at UrbanFonts has produced a nifty infographic to help clarify the age-old...
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The Key To Being A Successful Published Author

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

What is the key difference between somebody who will successfully write and publish a book after a book easily and somebody who never will publish anything, even though they might have the big desire to do so, even start writing and use all the...

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According to WHO,Globally, more than 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression.