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Serif vs. Sans: the final battle | Webdesigner Depot

Img 1759 Stephen Purkiss

First it was the Capulets versus the Montagues; then it was Coke versus Pepsi; and the latest epic battle? Serif versus sans-serif, of course. Lucky for us, the crew at UrbanFonts has produced a nifty infographic to help clarify the age-old...
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The Key To Being A Successful Published Author

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

What is the key difference between somebody who will successfully write and publish a book after a book easily and somebody who never will publish anything, even though they might have the big desire to do so, even start writing and use all the...

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13344592 10208508441860641 7847571667843700294 n Nitin Jain

According to WHO,Globally, more than 300 million people of all ages suffer from depression.
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G.M. and Ford Lay Out Plans to Expand Electric Models

Janpolak 4335 c Jan Polak

General Motors says it will add at least 20 electric vehicles to its lineup by 2023. Ford followed with its own initiative with 13 offerings.
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The Key To Any Success

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

In my experience, if one knows, how to live as their future self that already ACCOMPLISHED what they want to, the struggle, pushing through etc. is not needed any more. Strategies can still be used (why invent the wheel, when somebody else did...

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How To Understand And Prepare For The Three Stages of Lif...

13653174 10154265436825270 5266301741751399495 o Jo Formosa

For some of us it might feel like hardly any time has passed – we can still remember our teenage years like they were yesterday, or maybe we have children there right now? At the same time, we look ahead at our mother’s and feel the wisdom of our...
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Two in five teachers are considering quitting

Phil ceremony Philip Heeley

More than 40 per cent of Scotland’s teachers are thinking of leaving the profession in the next 18 months because their workload is too heavy, according to research based on almost 5,000 responses.
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Charting emotional intelligence

Fred headshot maxres main Fred Ferrante

At some stage in your life you might have taken an IQ test and compared your intelligence quotient score with that of Einstein, who is considered a benchmark of intelligence; if not, you would have at least heard the term IQ or Intelligence...
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Join The Circle of Merry Writing with Rita JC

Img 1265 Rita Juse-Cirkse

Do you feel that there is a book inside you, maybe even more than one?

And that it's about time it gets written?

Join us here:

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You Can Be an Ocean Hero, No Matter Who You Are or What Y...

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

You don't need to be Jacques Cousteau or Sylvia Earle to save the ocean, and you don't even need to know how to swim!