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The Most Valuable Trait of Highly Successful CEOs

Picture?height=120&width=120 Shweta Satyan

Smarts are key, but don't let studies and stereotypes keep you from reaching for the stars.

The most valuable trait among successful CEOs? IBM’s AI supercomputer Watson says it's intellect,, according to job site Paysa. Tell us...

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This Renewable Energy Startup Turns Soccer Balls and Side...

Marie   nina   close up Marie Ruzicka

As a clean, renewable alternative to dirty kerosene lamps and diesel generators, Jessica O. Matthews, founder of Uncharted Play, invented a groundbreaking en...
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The difference between real and false guilt, and why 99% ...

Kim knight health Kim Knight

Most people experience guilt, but not many question why, or know how to deal with it.

Over the years I have learnt there are essentially two types of guilt:

True (healthy) guilt… and false (unhealthy)...

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ZEN Soul of Japan iCLA

Will reed William Reed

iCLA students and faculty member William Reed experience Japanese Zen Buddhism.
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ZEN Soul of Japan iCLA

Will reed William Reed

iCLA students and faculty member William Reed experience Japanese Zen Buddhism.
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The Japan Diet | My Mother's Tokyo Kitchen

Will reed William Reed

Buy NowAmazon UK PaperbackRandom House AustraliaRandom House New Zealand
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The benefits of a Japanese diet

Will reed William Reed

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PATT Foundation

Will reed William Reed

PATT is dedicated to saving the planet, one tree at a time. Donate now to help combat climate change.
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UNICEF highlights how girls lose time collecting water

Will reed William Reed

The opportunity cost from a lack of access to water disproportionately falls on women and girls.
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Japanese purifier cleaning water in Somali camps | The Ja...

Will reed William Reed

Using a purifying agent produced by a small Japanese company, an international agency is making water potable for internally displaced people in Mogadishu,