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Product owner vs Project manager

Picture?height=120&width=120 Shaf Cangil

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Picture?height=120&width=120 Shaf Cangil

Organisational Rescue strikes again. Productivity for Entrepreneurs in Practical Format with accompanying worksheet at Organisational Rescue Website. Free he...
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Chunking up your Project.

Picture?height=120&width=120 Shaf Cangil

Break up Projects in order to make a big difference to your productivity...
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Communication Skills in Business.

Picture?height=120&width=120 Shaf Cangil

Skype, emails, telephone, the art of Netiquette, the various methods used today to communicate really do need different skills if you are to come across as p...
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Aizome, the “Mystical Japan Blue” | JAPAN Monthly Web Mag...

Will reed William Reed

Japanese Aizome (indigo dyeing) is characterized by a deep blue color that is also called "Japan blue" because of its beautiful hue, and is highly appreciated
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Aizome, the “Mystical Japan Blue” | JAPAN Monthly Web Mag...

Will reed William Reed

Japanese Aizome (indigo dyeing) is characterized by a deep blue color that is also called "Japan blue" because of its beautiful hue, and is highly appreciated
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Transcript of "The silent drama of photography"

Lassal l copy S.T. Lassal

TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: Economics PhD Sebastião Salgado only took up photography in his 30s, but the discipline became an obsession. His years-long projects beautifully capture the human side of a global story that all too often...
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Umbau einer Zementfabrik: Das Schloss aus Beton - SPIEGEL...

Lassal l copy S.T. Lassal

Für dieses Projekt muss man nicht größenwahnsinnig sein. Aber es hilft. Der spanische Architekt Ricardo Bofill hat eine Industrieruine in eine traumhafte Wohn- und Bürowelt verwandelt.
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Preparing for a new era of work

Will reed William Reed

Global competition, emerging skill shortages, and changing demographics will soon force companies to use their most highly paid talent more effectively.
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The Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Educatio...

Will reed William Reed

Dues are self-selected and range from $35 to $125 per year. The ACMHE is funded by a combination of membership dues, event fees and individual and foundation support. To join, submit the membership form.