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Img 20170614 120324 Balamuralikrishna L Lingaiah H J

BLUEBERRY play's a vital role in RESERVE PRODUCTS Jeunesse global  is a  passionate  company to redefine youth through  revolu...
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How are you using your Purpose for the greater good?

For web Lena Ski ( Flow Consultant )

Welcome to the coolest circle ever! Perhaps the most mysterious ones to get your finger on the pulse of. Maybe you think you're just too passionate and this the where the defaults go. I'd like to think of it as a whole lot more meaningful than...

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This Entrepreneur Who Sold Her Company for $1 Billion Wan...

Picture?height=120&width=120 Shweta Satyan

Never accept the things that don't make sense,' says the Pink Ceiling founder and CEO Cindy Whitehead.

After selling two companies for more than $1.5 billion, pharmaceuticals entrepreneur Cindy Whitehead wants to pay it forward and...

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Valentus Tour

Picture?height=120&width=120 Rácz László

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Product owner vs Project manager

Picture?height=120&width=120 Shaf Cangil

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Picture?height=120&width=120 Shaf Cangil

Organisational Rescue strikes again. Productivity for Entrepreneurs in Practical Format with accompanying worksheet at Organisational Rescue Website. Free he...
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Chunking up your Project.

Picture?height=120&width=120 Shaf Cangil

Break up Projects in order to make a big difference to your productivity...
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Communication Skills in Business.

Picture?height=120&width=120 Shaf Cangil

Skype, emails, telephone, the art of Netiquette, the various methods used today to communicate really do need different skills if you are to come across as p...
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Aizome, the “Mystical Japan Blue” | JAPAN Monthly Web Mag...

Will reed William Reed

Japanese Aizome (indigo dyeing) is characterized by a deep blue color that is also called "Japan blue" because of its beautiful hue, and is highly appreciated
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Aizome, the “Mystical Japan Blue” | JAPAN Monthly Web Mag...

Will reed William Reed

Japanese Aizome (indigo dyeing) is characterized by a deep blue color that is also called "Japan blue" because of its beautiful hue, and is highly appreciated