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Transcript of "The silent drama of photography"

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TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: Economics PhD Sebastião Salgado only took up photography in his 30s, but the discipline became an obsession. His years-long projects beautifully capture the human side of a global story that all too often...
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Umbau einer Zementfabrik: Das Schloss aus Beton - SPIEGEL...

Lassal l copy S.T. Lassal

Für dieses Projekt muss man nicht größenwahnsinnig sein. Aber es hilft. Der spanische Architekt Ricardo Bofill hat eine Industrieruine in eine traumhafte Wohn- und Bürowelt verwandelt.
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Preparing for a new era of work

Will reed William Reed

Global competition, emerging skill shortages, and changing demographics will soon force companies to use their most highly paid talent more effectively.
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The Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Educatio...

Will reed William Reed

Dues are self-selected and range from $35 to $125 per year. The ACMHE is funded by a combination of membership dues, event fees and individual and foundation support. To join, submit the membership form.
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What’s Lost as Handwriting Fades

Will reed William Reed

But psychologists and neuroscientists say it is far too soon to declare handwriting a relic of the past. New evidence suggests that the links between handwriting and broader educational development run deep.
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STEM Education Is Vital--but Not at the Expense of the Hu...

Will reed William Reed

Politicians trying to dump humanities education will hobble our economy
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Medical Humanities at Harvard

Will reed William Reed

Medical Humanities at Harvard Medical School:
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Harvard joins growing trend of arts education in med scho...

Will reed William Reed

Medical schools use drama, dance and literature to help medical students become empathetic and reflective doctors.
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Is a Movie Enough? “Chasing Coral” Director Jeff Orlowski...

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The film is, on one basic level, about the search for how best to express an idea.
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Chasing Coral (@ChasingCoral) on Twitter

Square image louise mosley Louise Mosley

The latest Tweets from Chasing Coral (@ChasingCoral). A team of divers, photographers and scientists set out on a thrilling ocean adventure to document and reveal how the oceans are changing. #ChasingCoral