Learn From The GeniusU Community

Desktop jan wk4 blog3

Know-How Economy & Entrepreneurship Goes Hand-in-Hand

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

Entrepreneurship is an essential part of economic development as this is the key contributor to innovativeness, technology, reduction of unemployment, and poverty.

Let’s take a look at exactly how entrepreneurship helps develop...

Desktop jan wk4 blog1

Technology In Entrepreneurship: Role & Importance To Buil...

Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

Unless you spent the last year meditating in a cave high up in the Himalayas, you would have witnessed the tectonic shift in how we work and do business. While some businesses were better prepared to navigate this unpredictable environment,...

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Is metaverse learning the future of education? | School M...

Ruth Shearman

The 'gamification' of learning offered by the metaverse has the potential to engage millions of learners, writes Angie Stead
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Global Entrepreneur Summit – Trend 7 – Age of Impact

Ruth Shearman

At our Global Entrepreneur Summit on the 1st and 2nd of December, Roger James Hamilton, Founder and CEO of Genius Group offered his predictions on the future trends of the next 10 years.  The Age of Impact We are entering...
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Selling Your Property at Full Price in a Falling Market

Avatar 22 11 09 Karl Harker

In this week’s Property Education video, Simon Zutshi, author of Property Magic, founder of the property investors network (pin), a successful property investor since 1995, shares how you could be Selling Property in a Falling Market at full...

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Genie 04 04 GeniusU Genie

Welcome to the 1-Day Crypto Masterclass! 🪙

Wall Street Stole $300 Million From Us. We're Getting It ...

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Wes Christian, the lawyer famous for fighting illegal Wall Street share manipulation, including naked short selling, spoofing and counterfeit shares, breaks down their underhand methods and how we fight back.

Our company, 

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Genius Group Wins Real Leaders Impact Awards | FE News

Ruth Shearman

| Genius Group Wins Real Leaders Impact Awards
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The Battle Plan - $0.30 to $11.00 in 6 months

Roger Roger Hamilton

The Battle Plan - $0.30 to $11.00 and $1.9 Billion Market Cap

It’s been an eventful week. On Monday I had a conversation with John Brda, the ex-CEO of Torchlight, where he shared his story of fighting naked short...

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The Rise of the Robots

Ruth Shearman

The internet now has triple the number of robots using it than humans. The number of robots will continue to increase and their dominance will explode over the next 10 years. To highlight these advancements, we can see well-known brands...