Curriculum for Entrepreneurs
All Genie Microdegrees

Talent Dynamics
Learn how your personal path is linked to how you grow your trust and flow in high performing teams with the Talent Dynamics Test. Find out the steps to become a world class leader by understanding your team and organizing them by how they naturally grow their trust and flow.

The Affiliate Accelerator
You are on the Affiliate Accelerator Microdegree…welcome! This microdegree will identify the 7 Key Principles to affiliate marketing. Based on the teachings of LeahMarie C. Ritz, Affiliate Marketing Expert; this microdegree will take you step by step through a blueprint to building a successful affiliate business.

Entrepreneur Mentor Certification
With this certification you will acquire the mastery of mentorship. The journey ahead of you is set up over a 12 week time-frame which will take you through 12 microdegrees.

Your Purpose
Finally discover your true ‘why’ with the Purpose Test, and learn the key steps to align your daily life to your deepest meaning and motivation. Align with others who have the same purpose as you and give back through our partners, Buy1Give1.

MMP Red to Orange: Connection to Flow
Learn the steps to move from Red ‘Survivor’ to Orange ‘Worker’ level in the Wealth Spectrum, and rapidly get into flow by connecting to the flow of others in your market. Learn the 10 steps every successful entrepreneur takes in their earning and impact to go from zero to a million.

Your Legacy
How can we unlock ancient wisdom to guide us through our life and entrepreneurial ventures? Discover the key through which you will know what is the next right thing to do - always keeping the bigger picture in mind.

The Millionaire Master Plan
Learn which of the nine levels of the wealth spectrum you are currently at, and how understanding this master plan is critical to knowing the next step you will need to take in your entrepreneurial journey.

MMP Infrared to Red: Consistent Cash
This microdegree is relevant to you no matter which level of the Wealth Spectrum you are on. Learn not only the specific steps to move from Infrared ‘Victim’ to Red ‘Survivor’ level in the Wealth Spectrum, but also how to build a solid foundation to always be cash flow positive in your career, business and investments. Create a personalized plan that fits your natural talents, passions and purpose.

Genius Guide to Success
In collaboration with America’s No.1 Success Coach, Jack Canfield, learn how to use your genius and passions and Jack’s Success Principles to follow your natural path to success.

Wealth Dynamics
Take the next step and dive deeper into the eight paths to entrepreneurial success with the Wealth Dynamics Test.

Find Your Flow
How can you use GeniusU to design your ideal life and business? With this microdegree you will gain an overview of the tools and resources available to you on GeniusU.

Your Passions
How can you align your life to your passions? With this microdegree you will gain clarity about how to align your life to your most important passions. Learn how to redesign how you learn, live, earn and give in a way that sparks your passions. Find out how to connect your team and customers to their passions in a way that creates powerful, lasting impact. Take the free Passion Test.

Yellow to Green: Scaling Team and Time
Learn the steps to move from Yellow ‘Player’ to Green ‘Performer’ level in the Wealth Spectrum, transitioning from a small business to a high performing enterprise. Discover how the winning formula to start your enterprise is now your losing formula to grow it.

MMP Orange to Yellow: Startup Success
How can you move from Orange ‘Worker’ to Yellow ‘Player’ level in the Wealth Spectrum? This Microdegree will guide you through the 3 steps to move up by establishing an authentic identity based on your personal uniqueness, attracting others with far more ease through your value without the need to be chasing after customers.

Genius Guide to Health
Follow your natural path to health with JJ Virgin and her bestselling books. The Virgin Diet and the Sugar Impact Diet. Align your diet challenge with your natural genius and passions.

Your Genius
Which path would support you to feel like a genius? When you follow your natural genius, you live life with less resistance - and joy and success naturally flow towards you. Take the simple and free Genius Test and discover your genius.

Investor Genius Test
What strategy should you follow in your investments? Discover your natural genius by taking the free, two minute test now.
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